
October 02, 2017
Concert de Musique Mexicaine
Maisson du Mexique en París , Francia
Concert of Mexican and Spanish Music Invited by the Mexican Embassy in Paris.
From the 2017 international tour through Mexico, Italy and France
October 02, 2017
Copia de-Concert de Musique Mexicaine
Maisson du Mexique en París , Francia
Concert of Mexican and Spanish Music Invited by the Mexican Embassy in Paris.
From the 2017 international tour through Mexico, Italy and France
September 29, 2017
Concerto Musiche Ispano- Messicane
Concerto in Palazzo Reale, Genova, Italia
Concert of Mexican and Spanish Music Invited by the Consulate of Mexico in Italy.
From the 2017 international tour through Mexico, Italy and France
September 18, 2017
Recital de Piano México-España
Piano Concert Mexico- Español, FONOTECA NACIONAL,
México City.
Celebrating the patriotic month with works for piano of the greatest
Mexican and Spanish composers.
From the 2017 international tour through Mexico, Italy and France
September 16, 2017
Piano Concert Mexico- Español
Magno piano concierto CCMB Elisa Carrillo hall, Edo. de Mex.
Celebrating the patriotic month with works for piano
of the greatest Mexican and Spanish composers.
From the 2017 international tour through Mexico, Italy and France
July 13, 2017
Piano Concert México-España
Center of Art CEART Ensenada, B.C.
Concerto for solo piano and duet with four hands.
With a repertoire of the best works with some of the most important
Mexican and Spanish composers such as:
I. Albeniz, E. Lecuona, M. Ponce, A. Marquez, C. Chavez.
As well as works by O. Gutiérrez also.
July 01, 2017
The Art of Piano
Centro Cultural Tijuana CECUT
Concert for two pianos with a multi-cultural repertoire of the great classical composers
with works and transcriptions based on the dances that represent Europe and Latin America.
As well as a world premiere of O. Gutiérrez.
June 22, 2017
Piano Concert México-España
Center of Arts CEART Mexicali
Concerto for piano solo and duet with four hands ,
with a repertoire of the best works with some of the most important
Mexican and Spanish composers. As well as works by O. Gutiérrez.
September 06, 2016
Omar & Ivanna concert "25th anniversary House of Culture Lagos de Moreno"
House of Culture Lagos de Moreno Jalisco.
With works by Liszt, Chopin Manuel M. Ponce Omar S. G.
September 04, 2016
Omar & Ivanna Concerto for piano and CD presentation (Made in Spain)
Museo Gene Byron Guanajuato, Guanajuato.
With works by Brahms, Khachaturian, Saint Seans O. Gutierrez and others.
September 02, 2016
Omar & Ivana "Concierto Two Pianos"
Concert Hall Presidency Silao, Guanajuato.
With works for two pianos, four hands duo and solo piano
September 01, 2016
Omar & Ivana Gutierrez Piano Duo Concert
Quijote Iconographic Museum (MIQ) Guanajuato, Guanajuato.
With works by Liszt, Chopin Manuel M. Ponce Omar Gutiérrez and others.
August 31, 2016
Omar & Ivana Gutiérrez "concert piano four hands"
Museum Jose and Tomas Chavez Morado Silao Gto.
With works for piano four hands and piano solo.
May 26, 2016
Omar & Ivanna in Concert "The Gratest Works of folk music"
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Ensenada, Baja California
With performance for piano and violín, four hands duet and piano solo.
Collaboration with RETO foundation against Cancer - Ensenada A.C.
May 14, 2016
“Among time with Classical Music“ with Omar & Ivanna
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEART) Tijuana, Baja California
With performance for piano and violín, four hands duet and piano solo.
May 06, 2016
“Caribean Pasion with Omar e Ivanna, Alfonso Magaña y Gerardo Reynoso
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Ensenada , Baja California
With songs by Ernesto Lecuona, Agustín Lara, entre otros.
April 14, 2016
Concert for two pianos Celebrating 3th Anniversary of CEART
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEART) Tecate B. California
With piano Works by Rachmaninov, Shostakovic,
Chopin, Omar S. G. Gershwin, and more
November 06, 2015
"The Piano's Art"
SCON Institute Sud Californian of Culture,
B. California South
Concert for two pianos with piano Works by Rachmaninov,
Shostakovic, Chopin, Omar S. G. Gershwin, and more
August 01, 2015
Piano concert "Tribute to poet and writer Manuel S. Leyva"
World Trade Center - Tijuana, Baja California
Universal founding congress SIPEAA.C.
(International Society of Poets,Writers and Artists)
July 28, 2015
Concert for two pianos "From Baja California Omar & Ivanna"
Ángela Peralta Theatre - San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
With piano Works byRachmaninov, Shostakovic, Chopin, Omar S. G. Gershwin,
Collaboration with: Institute Iree A.C. - School for deaf children.
June 25, 2015
Omar & Ivanna in Concert "The Gratest Works of the classical"
(CEARTE) Ensenada, Baja California
With performance for piano and violín, four hands duet and piano solo.
Collaboration with RETO foundation against Cancer - Ensenada A.C.
April 20, 2015
"From Baja California Omar & Ivanna"
Cancún´s cultural institute - Quintana Roo.
For the 45th anniversary of Cancun
Concert piano and presenting new album made at Spain.
April 18, 2015
" Gala night" Omar & Ivanna Gutiérrez
Parks Foundationand Museums of Cozumel -Q. Roo
XXVIII Festival anniversary of Museum of the Island Cozumel "Piano concert and new album presentation''
March 06, 2015
''Omar & Ivanna in Concert"
Centro Cultural TIjueana (CECUT)
Presenting their new album and piano concert .
"A musical journey from classic alto contemporary"
November 22, 2014
"The Piano's Art"
Fundation Sebastián Music - México, D.F.
Concert for two pianos and presentin new album
With works Rachmaninov, Shostakovic Chopin, Omar S. G and more.
June 21, 2014
Concert with Omar Gutiérrez & Ivanna Gutiérrez
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEART) Tecate, Baja California
With Works for piano solo, for hands duet, and piano and violin duo
June 02, 2014
Magno Concert "The Art of Piano"
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Ensenada, Baja California
With Works for two pianos duo, four hands diet and piano solo
Colaboration with:
RETO foundation againts Cancer - Ensenada A.C.
April 27, 2014
"Springtime" Interlude Concert
Gertrude Pearlman Theatre - La Joya
Ivanna & Omar Gutiérrez, pianists and violinists brother and sister will be performing to us in april
April 04, 2014
"Magno Concert for Piano and Violin"
Faculty of Arts, Tecate, Baja California
"Presentation of their new album recorded at spain"
colaboration wtih Fundation COBACH Tecate A.C.
March 06, 2014
"Concert for Piano Omar & Ivanna"
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEART) Tijuana, Baja California
" Presentation of their new album recorded at spain "
February 13, 2014
Concert "Dream of love"
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Ensenada, Baja California
Alfonso Magaña (Tenor)
Omar & Ivanna (Pianists and Violinists)
September 14, 2013
"From México: Omar & Ivanna Piano"
Saint Felip Neri Church - Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Works by: F. Liszt, A. Scriabin, F. Chopin, S. Rachmaninov,
J. Brahms Luis G. Jordá y Omar S.G
September 13, 2013
"From México: Omar & Ivanna Piano"
Centre Civic de Portocolom - Palma de Mallorca, España
Works by: F. Liszt, A. Scriabin, F. Chopin, S. Rachmaninov, J. Brahms
Luis G. Jordá y Omar S.G.
September 14, 2013
"From México: Omar & Ivanna Piano"
Fundación Coll Bardolet Valldemossa - Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Works by: F. Liszt, A. Scriabin, F. Chopin, S. Rachmaninov, J. Brahms Luis G. Jordá and Omar S.G.
(Chopin lives part of his liife there at Valldemossa)
August 28, 2013
"Musical soirée of Piano and Violín"
La Caba L.A. Cetto.
Present in XXII Grape harvest Celebration Anniversary "
músic from all seasons "with Omar & Ivanna Gutiérrez
April 24, 2013
Grand Piano & Violin Concert "Musical soiree from México to Europe"
Benito Juárez Theater, Ensenada, Baja California
Colaboration With: International Club Rotary
- Ensenada Calafia A.C.
November 06, 2012
"From México to Spain in one Night"
Benito Juárez Theather Ensenada, Baja California
Con Omar & Ivanna (Pianists Violinists)
Alfonso Magaña (Tenor)
Myra Aguilar (Soprano)
October 19, 2012
"The Greatest Composers from all ages"
López Portillo Museum - Guadalajara Jalisco.
Works by: Brahms, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and original work by Omar S. Gutiérrez,
September 21, 2012
Piano and Violin Concert "The Legacy by Greatest Composers"
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Ens. Baja California.
Works by: Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and originals works by Omar S. Gutiérrez
August 09, 2012
“From México to Spain” with Omar & Ivanna, Alfonso Magaña and Gerardo Reynoso
Valle de Guadalupe, B.C
Hacienda Guadalupe present on XXII Grape harvest Celebration Anniversary
November 29, 2011
"Tribute to Franz Liszt bicentennial of his birth".
- Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Mexicali, Baja California.
Works for piano solo and four hands: Studies, Rhapsodys, Transcription, etc.
November 30, 2011
"Tribute to Franz Liszt" for the Bicentennial of his birth
Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEARTE) Ensenada, Baja California
Works for piano solo and four hands: Studies, Rhapsodys, Transcription, etc.